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Get Disability Royal Commission help from Your Story Disability Legal Support

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Too Peas in a Podcast
Get Disability Royal Commission help from Your Story Disability Legal Support

Mandy and Kate talk to Michelle and Jane, peas and lawyers from Your Story Disability Legal Support.

Your Story Disability Legal Support offers free, independent, confidential legal support to make submissions to the Disability Royal Commission, which is currently open until 31 December 2022.

The Commission wants to hear from people with disabilities, carers, families, support workers, peafessionals – anyone with lived experience that has feedback and a contribution to make.

Michelle and Jane encourage Peas to particularly get in touch with their service if they’d like legal advice and support prior to making a submission. It’s not compulsory to do so, but could be useful if you’re concerned about privacy and confidentiality, or naming a service provider or other agency that you need to maintain a relationship with, such as a school or an employer. The service can also advise you if you have existing legal concerns such as current court proceedings, non-disclosure agreements, other contracts and more.

Michelle and Jane outline some of the common issues they’re finding in submissions – discrimination and exclusion, barriers to accessing community services, issues with NDIS, children and young people being excluded from school, discrimination and lack of support in the workplace and the disproportional impact of family violence for women with a disability

The service can also link you to free counselling and support, interpreting and Auslan services and specific support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Peas, you’re encouraged to contact Michelle, Jane and their colleagues at Your Story Disability Legal Support to make a submission or assist your child to make a submission and take the opportunity to make an important contribution to positive change through the Disability Royal Commission.


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Snap Pea 63

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Snap Pea 63

Mandy and Kate are back with a snap pea full of good news for 2022, your e-mails, speak pipes and Kate has some good news too!

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Emily talks about Usher Kids Australia, choir and cricket

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Too Peas in a Podcast
Emily talks about Usher Kids Australia, choir and cricket

Mandy and Kate chat to Emily Shepard, co-founder of Usher Kids Australia, mum of peashoot Louis, choir member and cricketer!

Emily was inspired to start Usher Kids Australia following her son Louis’s diagnosis with the rare Usher Syndrome, a genetic condition that causes hearing and progressive vision loss, and finding no existing support network at all anywhere in the country.

After sharing her story in a local newspaper, Emily met Hollie, a fellow Usher parent, and the two went to the International Symposium on Usher Syndrome in Boston. Determined to make sure that no other parent would feel so alone on receiving the diagnosis, Emily and Holly founded Usher Kids Australia with the aim of providing support, connection and syndrome-specific information.

Usher Kids Australia has now grown to provide a range of support and advocacy services such as after-diagnosis support, community connections, online training, conferences, advocacy and links to other relevant national and international support bodies.

Emily also shares her story about Louis’ diagnosis, choosing schools and the challenges of managing his condition now he’s in his teens. Emily also loves taking time for herself by participating in PopChoir and playing cricket! She even started an All Abilities program at her local club for kids and teens with disabilities.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Emily!

·Visit the Usher Kids Australia website

·Watch Emily and Hollie’s story on SBS’s The Feed

·Watch this Focus On Abilities Film Festival story about Louis

·Check out the All Abilities Cricket program at the Bentleigh Cricket Club

·Find out more about PopChoir

·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Us

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday November 16 – Shower or two, 17 degrees

·Join our Facebook Hangout

·Find us on YouTube

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Four Bean Mix – Movember

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Four Bean Mix - Movember

Answering your questions and discussing men’s mental health – including our own – Garry, Daniel, Kirk and Dino are back! We start by describing our own mental health, then answer some questions about how we set a good example for our kids and what we make of the term ‘toxic masculinity’.

Another delicious, nutritious 4 Bean Mix!

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Special Olympics National Games 2022 – part 2

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Special Olympics National Games 2022 - part 2

Soak in Part 2 of the Special Olympics National Games 2022! Mandy continues to report from the basketball, bowling, bocce, tennis and gymnastics and captures more of the Special Olympics sounds of belonging, friendship, joy and inclusion.

Athlete Francesca from the swimming also takes the mic and conducts some interviews with her fellow athletes, as does Casey. Mandy also hears directly again from sports managers, parents, volunteers and Special Olympics CEO Pierre Comis. The final word goes to Molly, Mandy’s daughter and dual gold medallist, who had the time of her life at the games having fun and making new friends.

·Get involved in Special Olympics as an athlete, volunteer or donor! Visit their website to find out more.

·Check out the National Games website

·Missed part 1? Listen here

·Recap our Too Peas episode with Anna from Special Olympics

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Special Olympics National Games 2022 – part 1

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Too Peas in a Podcast
Special Olympics National Games 2022 - part 1

Too Peas In A Podcast goes to the Special Olympics National Games 2022! In this week’s special episode, Mandy reports from Launceston, Tasmania, at the week-long national sporting competition for athletes with intellectual disabilities.

With 750 athletes from all over Australia competing across 10 different sports, 600 volunteers and staff plus family, friends, support workers, partners, ambassadors and supporters, the Games were a joyful, inclusive and impeccably organised experience allowing every athlete to shine.

Along with supporting her daughter Molly who participated in the athletics for Team VIC, Mandy spent hours talking to amazing athletes, parents, team supporters, the game changer volunteers, Special Olympics staff, support workers, sponsors and more. Shout out to honorary Too Peas host and Team Vic athlete Harry for grabbing the mic and conducting some brilliant interviews himself – listen and enjoy!

Stay tuned for Part 2 coming up next week.

·For more information about the Special Olympics, visit their website

·Recap our Too Peas episode with Anna from Special Olympics

·Check out the National Games website

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Mandy’s cyber friend Megan

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Mandy's cyber friend Megan

Today we chat with the lovely Megan, who has been friends with Mandy (and our Garry bean) for over 12 years. She is on the same team as Kate and Mandy when it comes to awards, which is fab as she is a peacher and educator.

She is mum to Cal, who has Cerebral Palsy, a diagnosis of epilepsy and dysphagia. Cal’s birth was very traumatic, and we are honoured that Megan shared her story with us. Megan lives in regional Australia in a town/city called Broken Hill. Cal is a maths guru and very creative.

Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Us

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday October 13 – Rain, heavy falls likely, 16 degrees

·Join our Facebook Hangout

·Find us on YouTube

Today’s weather in Melbourne, 25 degrees!

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Bon Maxie’s Clare talks about Max, handbags and making life easier

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Too Peas in a Podcast
Bon Maxie's Clare talks about Max, handbags and making life easier

Mandy and Kate chat to Clare –founder of handy accessory outfit Bon Maxie – famous for bags, earring holders and all things that make life a little less stressful! Clare is also mum to 7-year-old peashoot Max, who has a rare genetic condition called SCN2A.

Clare talks all about the founding of her business just prior to the onset of Max’s symptoms at the age of 9 months and while still on maternity leave. After a career in marketing and advertising, she was inspired to get crafty and create everyday things that make life a lot easier, such as earring holders, comfortable handbags with key clips and easily accessible pockets and more. Both Mandy and Kate are huge fans of Bon Maxie products and own plenty of bags – Kate has eight!

Max’s diagnosis meant that Clare was unsure if he would ever walk, talk or live, but he’s currently doing very well. Max experiences epilepsy, autism, ADHD and intellectual impairment. Clare has designed Bon Maxie to run flexibly and remotely in order to keep life calm and workable around his needs.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Clare!

·Follow Clare on Bon Maxie’s Instagram

·Buy lots of useful things, especially the handbags via the Bon Maxie website!

·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Us

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday October 13 – Rain, heavy falls likely, 16 degrees

·Join our Facebook Hangout

·Find us on YouTube

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.