The very first episode in our very first IPW! Mandy and Kate chat mothers day, pea week and the lead up to the live show! Happy IPW peas!
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The very first episode in our very first IPW! Mandy and Kate chat mothers day, pea week and the lead up to the live show! Happy IPW peas!
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Trigger Warning: Suicide
Mighty Brisvegan pea Tanya has three boys – her first son is neurotypical, her second is on the autism spectrum and her youngest is also on the autism spectrum with an additional diagnosis of ADHD.
Her youngest son has had a challenging journey living with a brain that he struggles to control, a ‘Ferrari with bicycle breaks’, leading to plenty of frustration and exhaustion. When he’s having a meltdown, Tanya knows however that no one is more scared than he is.
Tanya has been through the traumatic experience of having to call the police and paramedics to help restrain her son during a meltdown, resulting in a long hospital stay. Fortunately, she’s found emergency services to be very kind and supportive, and she’s glad that her child and her family are now known to them if they need support in the future.
School has been tough, and Tanya has learned that the best approach is to advocate for people to help her son meet their expectations, or to lower their expectations if that will help him achieve them. She’s also experienced the heartache of seeing her son being excluded and uninvited, and reflects on the fact that parents are often the ones that treat peashoots cruelly, not the children.
Tanya’s developed a thick skin, particularly with people who comment on the fact that ‘she’s always on holidays’ – which she isn’t! She can’t work full-time because of her son’s care needs and she needs to get them out and about as much as possible, often up to the mountains, so ‘they’re always walking up something!’(Kate said, “That’ll be the title!”
Tanya has found that Too Peas In A Podcast has helped her to better love and accept her family and be proud of them, and feel far less alone. She looks after herself by carving out time in the day for getting out to go cycling or exercising.Tanya honestly addresses the fact that she’s had difficult moments where she’s wondered whether to carry on living.This is exactly why Peas need all the help and support and community possible because there’s so often nowhere to turn and definitely no easy solutions.
Tanya has read Lou Brown’s research on ADHD and works hard on building connection with her son, and keeps ‘looking for the gold’ – the funny things, the hopeful things that can help build that connection. Despite all the challenges, Tanya’s son has come a long way and she’s seeing changes and improvements as he grows.
Permissions: Tanya’s son has given his permission for his story to be shared in this episode.
Check out the ADDitude podcast
Shout out to the lovely Glennis for offering Mandy’s family her home in Sydney for a holiday, and leaving them soup and cookies.
Other Pea Business:
Book your tickets to the live show!
Saturday 8 May at The Yarraville Club
Sat 15 May at the Karralyka in Ringwood East
Also, pre-order our forthcoming book The Invisible Life Of Us!
Forecast for Thursday April 29 – Sunny, 19 degrees
Thank you for supporting Too Peas in a Podcast!
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
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Speak Pipe Monday peas. We chat about what we have been doing, re-live a 3 dogs at a vet story, and most importantly listen to your amazing speak pipes!
Just for Annelise tomorrow’s forecast for Melbourne is 18 degrees with possible rain.
Come see us live https://yarravillelive.com/too-peas-in-a-podcast-3/
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Superpea Kylie has two 17-year old identical twin girls, one with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Kylie’s girls were born at 33 weeks, and things went relatively smoothly until peashoot Zoe was diagnosed at approximately nine months of age – five days before Christmas.Kylie met Mandy on the Essential Baby internet forum and they’ve been cyber friends ever since.
Kylie shares her experiences of early intervention, coping with three kids under three, kinder and school.Zoe’s primary school did a fantastic job of supporting her, demonstrating how easy it can be to teach and encourage children to support and include peashoots.The school even invited a class from the special school, which was a magical day for all the students.
Kylie talks about Zoe’s twin Izzy, who has made her sister a central part of her life and friendships. Her friends all want to meet Zoe and be part of her life as well. Zoe’s brother Jake is also very caring and particularly attentive to Zoe’s bus arrival and departure times. Kylie is reassured that Zoe will always be surrounded by the love of her siblings and family.
Kylie also touches on Zoe’s experiences of surgery, NDIS challenges including still waiting for a bath hoist, homeschooling during lockdown and more. Listen and be heart-warmed by Kylie’s positive outlook on it all.
Other Pea Business:
Book your tickets to the live show!
Saturday 8 May at The Yarraville Club
Sat 15 May at the Karralyka in Ringwood East
Also, pre-order our forthcoming book The Invisible Life Of Us!(named by Kylie!!)
Forecast for Thursday April 22 – Shower or two, 17 degrees
Thank you for supporting Too Peas in a Podcast!
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Seventeen-year- old Holly was diagnosed with diplegic cerebral palsy as a toddler. She speaks to Kate and Mandy about growing up in the rural Victorian town of Mildura, experiencing the support and care of a small community of friends, family, integration aides, therapeas and peafessionals, while also experiencing a very different world to her peers at the same time.
Holly’s CP affects her legs, hands and speech and she’s undergone plenty of therapies such as botox and AFOs. She’s putting in an NDIS application for a scooter, and Kate and Mandy are willing to stage a pea-test if she doesn’t get it!
When she reached grade 6, Holly and her mum experienced some very hurtful rectum behaviour from her school. Schools, we invite you to listen closely to Holly to understand how important it is to offer sensitivity and solutions, not just criticisms.
Holly is doing VCE subjects English, Maths Methods, Chemistry, Biology and Health and Human Development and is aiming to studying paediatric physiotherapy or OT at university next year, so she can support kids and teenagers who are going through similar challenges. Holly’s learned that it can be hard to understand what other people are going through when you’re going through so much yourself, especially when you’re still a teenager.
Holly also works as a check out chick at the local Coles, loves chocolate, girl guides and camping!
Kate and Mandy hear some wise words from Holly about how they can be the best mums they can be to their peashoots.She also offers some powerful advice for all doctors, teachers, family and friends that leaves Kate and Mandy speechless – possibly for the first time ever!
Absolutely do not miss listening to Holly!
Other Pea Business:
Make sure you book your tickets to the live shows!
Book tickets for Sat 8 May at The Yarraville Club
Book tickets for Sat 15 May at the Karralyka in Ringwood East
Also, pre-order our forthcoming book The Invisible Life Of Us!
Forecast for Melbourne on Thursday 15 April – 20 degrees. Showers developing. Windy.
Order cool personalised handmade products from Etch41
Contact us here:
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
Don’t forget to rate and review too!
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Marnie is the mum of a peashoot daughter who was identified as being profoundly deaf in both ears at six months of age. Her daughter also has some neuro-divergence that they’re working on understanding. Marnie is an Overpea living in Scotland, who is a regular contributor to the Too Peas In A Podcast Hangout Facebook group!
Marnie’s peashoot received a cochlear implant at age 1 and also communicates using British Sign Language. Her name is represented by the sign for two bright eyes, as her eyes are always shining and bright. Marnie speaks to Kate and Mandy about the incredible challenges of choosing the right country, city and schools to support her daughter’s learning, language development and community connections.
Tickets to the Victorian live shows are selling fast but there’s still some left!
Book tickets for Sat 8 May at The Yarraville Club
Book tickets for Sat 15 May at the Karralyka in Ringwood East
Forecast for Thursday 8 April in Melbourne – Mostly sunny, 29 degrees.
Thank you for supporting Too Peas in a Podcast!
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Kate and Mandy talk to Laura, an Aussie-born Ameripea currently living in California. Her seven-year-old daughter Penny is one of only twelve people in the world with a condition called Lethal Neonatal Rigidity Multi-Focal Seizure Syndrome, which is caused by a variation in the BRAT1 gene. Penny is the happiest person she knows, is the best hugger and has taught Laura so much about empathy and diversity.
Laura is also CEO of Willow, makers of the world’s first wearable breast pump and a company with a mission to bring joy to motherhood. Listening to Too Peas has helped her connect to her Australian home while living through difficult times in the United States – from Trump, to the pandemic lockdowns and the increase in racially-based violence.
Laura took Penny and her family toGive Kids The World, a place that provides free holidays for critically ill kids and their families in Florida.
Live shows are back in Victoria!
Book tickets for Sat 8 May at The Yarraville Club
Book tickets for Sat 15 May at the Karralyka in Ringwood East
Thank you for supporting Too Peas In A Podcast!
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Mandy and Kate listen to you speak pipes and laugh and cry with
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Today Kate & Mandy are talking with Anita, who has walked the pea path further than many of the pea listeners. Her adult son Warren is an artist living with cerebral palsy and an intellectual disability. Anita has spent her life setting Warren up for the fulfilling and meaningful life he is now living within the community, and she has quite a number of truths to share with us. You’re going to love Anita’s story!
Live shows are back!! In Victoria only at the moment.
Saturday 8 May at The Yarraville Club
Sat 15 May at the Karralyka in Ringwood East
Thank you for supporting Too Peas in a Podcast!
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Kate & Mandy talk with Pea friend Megan about the prenatal diagnosis she received when she was 14 weeks pregnant with her 4th baby, and the absolute roller coaster that followed. Megan was told that her baby had a hydrops fetalis, which was not compatible with life. Her baby also had several chromosomal abnormalities that would mean severe disability if she would make it to term at all. But by 20 weeks, all the fluid retention had disappeared and there was no sign of hydrops fetalis, nor about a number of chromosomal abnormalities that were found earlier in the pregnancy. Her baby had ‘just’ Down Syndrome. She ended up having her baby girl at 37 weeks and after some time in the NICU, she is now a very happy 2 year old. What a journey.
Live shows are back!! In Victoria only at the moment.
Thank you for supporting Too Peas in a Podcast!
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.