Kate and Mandy chat all things queens birthday holiday. They reflect on covid, the reasons they started snap peas and ask you how you are all going!
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Kate and Mandy chat all things queens birthday holiday. They reflect on covid, the reasons they started snap peas and ask you how you are all going!
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TW – Infant loss
Kate and Mandy chat with Mandy’s cousin Jenelle, a therapea psychologist who experienced the loss of her unborn baby in a car accident over 25 years ago.
We’re honoured to hear Jenelle tell her story. While 26 weeks pregnant, she was involved in a serious head-on smash. She suffered facial injuries requiring reconstructive surgery and underwent an emergency caesarean. She woke up in hospital to hear the horrific news from her husband Andrew that their baby daughter Jessica had not survived. Their 18-month old son, who was also in the car, was fortunately not seriously injured. Jessica was laid to rest with Jenelle and Mandy’s grandparents.
Jenelle talks about the shock and the grief in the aftermath, the kindness and support offered by family, friends and her church, and the pain also caused by rectum comments made by friends and doctors involved in her care.
Inspired by these rectum moments to offer something much better, Jenelle made the decision to undertake 8 years of training to become a psychologist. She’s now an educational and developmental psychologist who works with many Peashoots!She runs her own practice, Jigsaw Psychology, which underwent extra challenging times while supporting Pea families throughout the pandemic.
Kate, Mandy and Jenelle talk about the importance of opening up and sharing experiences to lessen the feelings of isolation and shame, and the value of having a strengths-based approach, rather than a deficits approach when dealing with Peashoots. She also shares her most valuable message for Peas in need of encouragement and support – you know your kids, trust your gut and you know more than you think you know.
Thank you Jenelle for sharing your precious story with us.
·Book tickets to our two Sydney live shows via our website
·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Us
·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!
·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love
·Melbourne forecast for Thursday June 9–Showers, 13 degrees
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Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
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Mandy and Kate listen to your speak pipes, chat about work experience, leaving a faith and a whole lot more.
Send us speak pipes via our website.
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Tickets to our Sydney live show are here ; https://www.factorytheatre.com.au/event/too-peas-in-a-podcast/
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It’s been a big week – Australia has a brand new government and Kate turned 50!
Kate and Mandy reflect on the recent federal election in which women made a huge difference to the outcome – booting out the former prime minister in favour of a government that will hopefully do a far better job for women and the climate than the last lot. They also talk all about Kate’s 50th birthday party, featuring epic peashoot tunemaster DJ Coop and super Drag ‘King’ of Queen Freddie Merkin, her fab handmade dress and her cake that looked exactly like a box of chicken nuggets! After two years of lockdowns, Kate is super grateful she could celebrate with friends and family in person.
This is a pretty short ep given Kate and Mandy have been busy with parties and their live Canberra show, but they’ll be back next week with special guests as usual!
·Book tickets to our forthcoming live shows in Sydney via our website
·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Us
·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!
·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love
·Melbourne forecast for Thursday June 2 –Partly cloudy, 13 degrees
·Join our Facebook Hangout
·Find us on YouTube
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Contact us here:
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
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In this BeansTalk, Garry talks with Kirk Thompson – husband of Tara and dad of 3 gorgeous daughters. We talk about their daughter Willow and her cerebral palsy and autism; dadness; marriage; life in a small community; dark times; and finding a way through.
Great talk!
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Kate and Mandy talk to Marg and Lee from Duncan Legal about the super important topic of disability estate planning. Principal lawyer Marg and Practice Manager Lee are both Peas with children with autism and intellectual disabilities, and together run a legal practice largely specialising in supporting families to legally and financially protect their vulnerable family members now and into the future.
Are you thinking, “What will my Peashoot do when I’m gone” like every other Pea? Marg and Lee talk through some of the common questions and things to consider, including:
·Trusts and trustees
·Bequeathing money and property and the impact on Centrelink entitlements
·Supportive attorney arrangements
·Being fair and equitable with siblings, while also protecting your Peashoot’s interests
·Setting up plans early and reviewing them regularly
If you’d like an easier way to find general information first, head to Duncan’s Legal website to access three helpful webinars on estate planning, special disability trusts and supported decision making. Use the promocode TOOPEAS to get $10 off each webinar!
Please feel free to get in touch with them if you’re a Pea who would like some assistance with estate planning.
·Mandy went to Karen’s Diner for Mothers Day – check out the rudeness
·Book tickets to our forthcoming live shows via our website
·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Us
·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!
·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love
·Melbourne forecast for Thursday March 23–Partly cloudy, 20 degrees
·Join our Facebook Hangout
·Find us on YouTube
Thank you for supporting Too Peas In A Podcast! Don’t forget to rate and review
Contact us here:
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Kate and Mandy talk to Elly Desmarchelier, proud queer disabled woman, disability rights campaigner and national spokesperson for Every Australian Counts – a grassroots campaign to defend and support the NDIS this coming Australian federal election on May 21.
Bear with us international pea friends, but this week it’s important that we focus on the reasons why every Australian must defend the NDIS this federal election. Our people are having their funding cut and then finding themselves pitted against NDIA-funded lawyers in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to fight for the services they need – the ultimate rectum move. Peas, we encourage you to investigate each party’s policies to find out for yourself who supports the NDIS, who has a plan and who doesn’t, who’s speaking up and who’s staying silent and make sure you make an informed choice on May 21.
Elly recommends three actions you can take this week to help:
1.Melbourne peas, join Elly and Every Australian Counts on May 19 at the Defend Our NDIS Melbourne rally and march. Raise your voices to protect the NDIS and support families fighting the lawyers in the AAT. Find all the details of the march here.
2.Use this very handy ‘Email Your Candidates’ tool to make email every candidate in your electorate in less than 5mins and make sure they know that defending the NDIS needs to be on the election agenda.
3.Reach out to your friends and family and talk to them about why we need to defend the NDIS this election.
Please share this episode of Too Peas In A Podcast widely through your networks to spread the word and make sure no one makes a rectum vote on election day.
·Follow and support Every Australian Counts
·Listen to their Defend Our NDIS protest bangers on their Spotify playlists
·Find out more about Elly over on her website
·Book tickets to our forthcoming live shows via our website
·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Us
·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love
·Melbourne forecast for Monday May 16 –Possible shower, 17 degrees
·Join our Facebook Hangout
Contact us here:
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Kate and Mandy talk to the legendary Julie – a peafessional social worker and art therapist with her own lived experience of disability due to being born with a hand difference.
Julie has many years of experience of working in the disability field as a social worker, and currently works across two advocacy roles – one supporting people to contribute to the Disability Royal Commission and another with Voice At The Table, an organisation that aims to increase the participation of people with cognitive disabilities in government and community organisations.
Julie is also connected with Aussie Hands – an NFP that supports kids and adults who have been born with a hand difference or have an acquired hand injury.
Julie talks about the challenges of growing up in the 80s and 90s with a hand difference. Socially things could often be hard due to bullying and exclusion, and she became good at hiding her hand in her clothing to avoid being noticed. While always being very interested in becoming a social worker, these early experiences helped fuel her interest in supporting others with their own lived experiences of social exclusion.
It wasn’t until she began working for council-based disability access and inclusion program MetroAccess that Julie began to positively identify with her disability. Here, she was celebrated and sought out for her experience, and was introduced to a strong community of amazing people who were proud of their identities, and who in turn helped her find a new world of empowerment, ownership and pride.
Julie is also an awesome cake maker, and Mandy strongly believes she needs to be on the next series of Making It – check out her Instagram for all her cake pics and if anyone knows the producers of Making It – please get in touch and let’s try to make it happen!
·Thanks to the wonderful person who sent Kate and Mandy #blessed tshirts
·Book tickets to our forthcoming live shows via our website
·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Us
·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!
·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love
·Melbourne forecast for Thursday May 12 –Shower or two developing, 19 degrees
·Join our Facebook Hangout
·Find us on YouTube
Thank you for supporting Too Peas In A Podcast! Don’t forget to rate and review
Contact us here:
Website: www.toopeasinapodcast.com.au
Email: toopeaspodcast@gmail.com
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
A quick message from Mandy and Kate to the pea mums. xxx
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