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Life’s Little Treasures, World Prematurity Day

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Life's Little Treasures, World Prematurity Day

Today we have a very special episode to celebrate World Prematurity Day. Mandy and Kate chat with the CEO of Lifes Little Treasures Felicia and a beautiful mum Jennifer. Premmie babies are very close to our hearts, we hope you enjoy this special episode.

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Movember Beans: 01 – What’s a Bloke to Do?

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Movember Beans: 01 - What's a Bloke to Do?

It’s Movember! The month when we remember that it’s okay to talk about men’s mental health.

This is the first of three special Friday episodes throughout this month in which Bean Garry asks Counsellor Ben some of his deepest (and most personal) questions about what it means to be a bloke and a dad and is reassured to discover that suddenly finding yourself in a dark place along the way is actually a universal (and potentially transformational) experience.

Ben works with men and boys and also assists with suicide-prevention programmes, so when it comes to a low-key chat about some of life’s deeper questions, Ben is a ‘safe’ pair of hands.

“Men We Might Have Been” Henry Lawson (1897)

As always, if anything in this conversation triggers upsetting thoughts or feelings for you, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 – “it ain’t weak to speak”, Beyond Blue 1300 224 636, or Mensline on 1300 789 978 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.

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Adult peashoot, social worker and poet Jasmine shares her story

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Adult peashoot, social worker and poet Jasmine shares her story

Kate and Mandy talk to adult peashoot Jasmine, a qualified peafessional social worker with cerebral palsy and valued member of the Too Peas Facebook Hangout.

Jasmine experienced a severe brain injury after undergoing a cardiac arrest at only three hours old, a traumatic experience for her parents. Jasmine shares her parents’ experience of the early days of her hospitalisation, diagnosis at thirteen months of age, and early intervention therapies until the age of six.

Jasmine went to a mainstream primary school and was a bright student who was well ahead of her age in reading. Her school had a high proportion of children with special needs, which the teachers managed alone without aides.Her high school was not very accessible and looking back, she can see that having to ‘get on with life because there was no other option’ helped to make her the person she is today.

Jasmine talks about her experiences of surgery, gaining more and more independence by getting her licence and doing TAFE studies and her days as ‘babysitter extraordinaire’ for a local family who entrusted her with their kids and helped her believe in herself. She also shares stories about her beloved nephew Nicholas, who was born premature and developed quadriplegic cerebral palsy, and shares a shocking rectum comment he once copped at school.

Jasmine also talks about her overseas travel experience, including going on every ride at Disneyland, and shares some outrageous rectum comments she was subjected to from a member of her church community. She also talks about the difficulties she’s experienced in finding work even though she’s a fully qualified social worker, and her experience of being hospitalised due to depression and anxiety.Jasmine also talks about the realities of getting older, and being pragmatic about what type of care she might need in the future, and shares a message to Peas to try and help their peashoots to live the life they choose when they reach adulthood.

Jasmine also shares a powerful and moving poem she wrote about her unique life experience – check the Too Peas Instagram page to read it!


·Kate is loving Nobody’s Princess apparel who make ski gear to suit women’s bodies.

·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Usto keep it on the bookshelves so all the other Peas can find it!

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday November 11 –Partly cloudy, 17 degrees

·Join our Facebook Hangout

·Find us on YouTube

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Snap Pea 42

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Snap Pea 42

Mandy and Kate are back listening to your speak pipes and reading your e-mails.

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BeansTalk – Tony Wilson

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BeansTalk - Tony Wilson

Tony’s big ‘father’s heart’ is obvious as he shares stories about his gorgeous son, Jack, who was born 6 weeks premature and lives with Cerebral Palsy resulting from periventricular leukomylacia (PVL).

Jack will bring a huge smile to your face as you listen to recordings of his sports commentating with his dad and his voice-part in an advertisement Tony made.

Speakola is Tony’s great speeches project on the web ( and as a podcast.

Subscribe to Tony’s newsletter

Subscribe to Tony’s podcast – Speakola

Donate to Tony’s podcast or become a monthly patreon to keep it going.

You’ll find a couple of heart-felt articles Tony had published in the SMH:

Tony’s award-winning children’s book ‘The Cow Tripped Over the Moon’ is available on

Tony has signed books for sale here

Tony’s doco The Galahs (2016) is about Aussie Rules footballers who toured Ireland, UK, and USAin 1967 to play Gaelic football.

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Pea Anna from Special Olympics talks all about inclusive and accessible sport

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Pea Anna from Special Olympics talks all about inclusive and accessible sport

Kate and Mandy talk to Anna – an HR expert, a Special Olympics board member and a Pea who is determined to promote healthy and active lifestyles and social opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities, and to promote the Special Olympics as a vehicle for self-accomplishment, achievement, community engagement and inclusion!

Anna’s youngest son Harry and her sister Suellen both have intellectual disabilities and are involved with Special Olympics Australia – a global sporting community for people with intellectual disabilities and a more inclusive and accessible community sports option than the more elite Paralympics. Harry has tried a whole range of sports including bowling, swimming, athletes, tennis and basketball and loves it all! Anna’s sister Suellen has begun trying out equestrian events and is enjoying spending time with new horse-loving friends. At every event, the participants say the awesome athlete oath that makes Kate and Mandy teary – ‘let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt’.

Anna highlights the many benefits of being involved in the Special Olympics, such as preventing chronic health conditions, making new friends, learning life skills, having fun and finding a place to belong. As a board member, Anna has also made stronger links between the Special Olympics and the NDIS so that athletes have more support to get involved and achieve their goals. She also drops an inside scoop breaking news announcement about the Special Olympics 2022 National Games concerning our own peashoot Molly!

Special Olympics is a place of inclusion where everyone is welcome to become involved – as an athlete, volunteer or coach. With 46 clubs around Australia, they offer a breadth of individual and team sports to suit many different interests and needs. Anna encourages everyone to take the first step, come along for the first time and they’ll look after the rest!

Check the website and send an enquiry or call them on 1300 225 762!

Other Pea Business:

·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Usto keep it on the bookshelves so all the other Peas can find it!

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday November 4 –Partly cloudy, 19 degrees

·Join our Facebook Hangout

·Find us on YouTube

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Snap Pea 41

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Snap Pea 41

Mandy and Kate listen to your speak pipes, and laugh and cry with you … oh and there might just be a new song!

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“Delicious, wild, chaotic and gorgeous” – Hannah’s life with her peashoot twins

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Too Peas in a Podcast
“Delicious, wild, chaotic and gorgeous” - Hannah’s life with her peashoot twins

Kate and Mandy chat to Hannah, a queer Melbourne-based theatre artist Pea with 3-year old identical twin boys Alfie and Otis.

Alfie and Otis were born prematurely at 28 weeks due to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Hannah shares their amazing story of survival and the many subsequent months spent in the NICU, through which Hannah and her partner Lani also juggled the care of their two older children, work and that thing called COVID-19. Both boys were eventually discharged home on oxygen by nine months, and bounced back and forth into hospital a couple of times, which was a challenging scenario to say the least during the pandemic.

Alfie was subsequently diagnosed with left-sided hemiplegia and Otis with hypotonia and dystonia, along with language and mobility challenges. Hannah’s philosophy is to stay in the moment, embrace the chaos, experience the joy and celebrate their achievements! Given Alfie and Otis have lived so much of their short lives in pandemic-affected Melbourne, they’ve at least had the benefit of avoiding comparisons to other kids while in lockdown and are happily living their best lives!

Kate, Mandy and Hannah all laugh their butts off over all the funny details of Hannah’s chaotic holiday trip to NSW when the state borders were slamming shut over Christmas 2020. Hannah also talks about the awareness and change her family have brought to their NICU for the benefit of future LGBTIQ+ parents, thanks to their positive attitude and raucous approach to life.

If Kate and Mandy ever launch Too Peas:The Musical, Hannah has already been cast as the director!

Find and follow Hannah and her family on Instagram at @twomumsfoursuns

Other Pea Business

Laugh, Cry, Make A Difference things:

·Mandy is hooked on The Leftovers

·Kate is loving Shetland


·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Usto keep it on the bookshelves so all the other Peas can find it!

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday October 28 –Showers increasing, 26 degrees

·Join our Facebook Hangout

·Find us on YouTube

Thank you for supporting Too Peas In A Podcast! Don’t forget to rate and review.

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Snap Pea 40

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Snap Pea 40

Mandy and Kate listen to your speak pipes, chat about their weeks and introduce their you tube channel

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BeansTalk: The Quadriplegic Quadcopter Pilot!

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Too Peas in a Podcast
BeansTalk: The Quadriplegic Quadcopter Pilot!

Our Amazing Garry Bean talks to his son, it’s a goodie peas and beans!


Check out Garry and Christopher at

Garry and Christopher have wide experience presenting live on stage or via zoom to international audiences, telling their story and helping people access home, work and play via technology and creativity!

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