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Adoptive Pea Mom Chelsea and NICU nurse shares her story

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Too Peas in a Podcast
Adoptive Pea Mom Chelsea and NICU nurse shares her story

Kate and Mandy speak to Ameripea Chelsea who is an adoptive Pea mother and community nurse from Indiana, USA. Celsea is an experienced neonatal intensive care nurse who now works in community health, supporting vulnerable first-time mothers with children under two.

Chelsea shares her experiences of working as a NICU nurse in a large local hospital, where she loved caring for sick babies and supporting their families. She also tells the story about the unique way she became a mother by adopting her daughter Izzy, who was in NICU herself for several weeks after her birth.

At 12 months of age, Chelsea realised that her daughter was missing some milestones, but was told that she was just ‘lazy’ – a very rectum comment indeed.Izzy was eventually diagnosed with cerebral palsy just after her second birthday and was recently diagnosed with autism. She also experiences sensory and respiratory challenges.

Chelsea talks about starting the process of all the therapies, the challenges of getting AFO’s for her growing little girl, and juggling telehealth appointments during COVID-19. Izzy has now just received a new wheelchair which is helping her gain confidence and independence.

Izzy’s birth mother was also acknowledged and honoured for bringing Izzy into the world. She chose Chelsea for Izzy’s adoptive mother especially because she was a NICU nurse who could take the best care of her.

Chelsea owns up to the fact that Kate and Mandy took her ‘podginity’ and she binged the Too Peas podcast at the end of July 2021, and finished it from start to finish at the beginning of September!

Chelsea also wants Peas to know that NICU nurses see you, appreciate you and know you’re doing the very best for your baby. A shout out to all the wonderful NICU nurses working through a very tough time in healthcare.

Other Pea Business

Here’s a few things from Laugh, Cry, Make A Difference

·Mandy is binging on the Aldi Kringle & Co Iced Christmas Cake

·Kate is almost finished reading Heart Sick by Jessie Stephens and is loving it

·Mandy is reading Leigh Sales and Annabelle Crabb’s Well Hello and is loving it and is very thankful for the mention of Too Peas as one of Annabelle’s favourite podcasts!


·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Usto keep it on the bookshelves so all the other Peas can find it!

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday October 14 –Showers developing, 19 degrees

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Snap Pea 39

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Snap Pea 39

Mandy and Kate listen to your beautiful messages! We get more ideas for our learning from home certificates/medals and generally chat

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Adult Peashoot Krystal speaks powerful truths

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Too Peas in a Podcast
Adult Peashoot Krystal speaks powerful truths

Kate and Mandy speak to Krystal, an adult Peashoot mum with a disability raising able-bodied kids. Krystal was born with cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair, works as a social worker and is mum to two daughters. Krystal accidentally found Too Peas while seeking a podcast that talked about parenting with a disability, but found she could relate to the Peas, but from her own different perspective!

As the basis for the discussion, Krystal reads through an email that she sent to Kate and Mandy, who both found it incredibly moving and powerful and invited her onto the podcast as a result.

In the email, Krystal shares her experiences growing up with a disability, and in particular the profound realisation she had about her life and the world at only 6 years old.She also shares a very rectum school experience at age 15 that made her feel like her disability would later make her a bad mother.

Krystal also talks about her own particular experience of mothering and guilt, the understanding she’s since gained about her own parent’s feelings of guilt and pain, and the guilt she can sometimes hear in the Pea’s stories.

She also talks about her own unique experience of milestones and smilestones as a parent, the times in which she’s had to swallow her pride and ask for help and the one teacher who saw her intelligence despite the challenges.

Krystal also gives a few bombshell insights that make Kate and Mandy cry, and that every Pea should hear. Thank you Krystal!

Other Pea Business

Here are all the wonderful businesses mentioned in Laugh, Cry, Make A Difference


·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Usto keep it on the bookshelves so all the other Peas can find it!

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday October 14 –Showers developing, 19 degrees

·Join our Facebook Hangout

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Snap Pea 38

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Snap Pea 38

Mandy and Kate listen to your messages while they chat all things pea! Ohh and there is a cool song in this episode

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BeansTalk: Garry with repeat guest Trevor

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Too Peas in a Podcast
BeansTalk: Garry with repeat guest Trevor

After the success of the fathers day episode Garry is back chatting with Trevor, they go deeper in the NICU journey and talk about Trevors amazing twin boys.

Watch this space peas cause Garry will be back chatting with more beans and peas on weekends to come.

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Newsflash – ‘Bean’ dad Garry is starting fortnightly eps

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Too Peas in a Podcast
Newsflash - 'Bean' dad Garry is starting fortnightly eps

Kate and Mandy talk to Pea Dad AKA ‘Bean’ Garry to share the news that he’ll soon be starting fortnightly Saturday episodes focused mostly on men’s experience of parenting kids with disabilities and additional needs. Welcome Garry!Garry’s first episode will be a conversation with his peashoot Christopher – stay tuned for this coming out soon!

Garry encourages anyone who is interested in speaking with him to get in touch via and also feel free to leave him a speak pipe.

Garry also acknowledges that many Pea mums have had poor experiences of men and dads, and would like to share that he’s endeavouring to come from a place of seeking understanding and promoting healing, and welcomes everyone’s feedback and input.

Kate and Mandy share that they trust Garry, and although it’s a big deal to open up the space to a new voice, they feel very comfortable in letting Garry do so. Feel free to let them know how you feel about it in the Hangout or via speak pipe.

Kate and Mandy also talk about the latest on Melbourne’s lockdown, the (hopefully) last days of homeschooling and their latest ‘laugh, cry, make a difference’ things!

Other Pea Business

·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Usto keep it on the bookshelves so all the other Peas can findit!

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday October 7 –Early showers, 16 degrees

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Snap Pea 37

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Too Peas in a Podcast
Snap Pea 37

Guess whose back, back again in your feed? Yep, Mandy and Kate for your monday snap pea listening.

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OG speakpiper Mandy talks about pea life.

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Too Peas in a Podcast
OG speakpiper Mandy talks about pea life.

Kate, Mandy talk to one of the original speakpipers – Pea Mandy from New South Wales, mum to 21-year-old peashoot Kieran who was diagnosed with autism at age two.

In this lovely chat about Pea life, Mandy first shares some very rectum stories from her days in a competitive mum’s group, and then explores the confronting diagnosis period, the attitudes towards Kieran at kinder, her sense of being an outsider, the absolute lack of funding or early intervention pre-NDIS, the challenges of entering the school system and feeling isolated and segregated from the mainstream school community, and the happiness and trickiness both of Kieran’s time in high school.Kieran now currently attends Warrah School, a day service with a Rudolf Steiner ethos and is also branching out into assisted employment. Mandy also touches on her experiences of depression, chronic loneliness, being unable to speak the truth and really learning who your friends are while on the Pea journey.

Things to check out:

·Mandy loved the book Smiling At Shadows: A Mother’s Journey Raising An Autistic Child

·Our Generation Dolls are bringing Miss 10 joy

·The balm you need for your soul – Nailed It

Other Pea Business

·Buy our book The Invisible Life Of Usto keep it on the bookshelves so all the other Peas can findit!

·Get a signed copy and deck yourself out in some excellent Too Peas merch here!

·Listen to our Spotify playlist – Too Peas: Songs Our Guest Peas Love

·Melbourne forecast for Thursday September 30 – A few showers, 19 degrees, hopefully no earthquakes

Thank you for supporting Too Peas In A Podcast! Don’t forget to rate and review.

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A little covid check in … no toobs

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Too Peas in a Podcast
A little covid check in ... no toobs

Mandy and Kate listen to your stories 18 months into the pandemic, rolling lockdowns seperation from friends and families, ohh and Mandy tells of her love for toobs.

Kate tells of her love for Saturday Afternoon Fever with Matthew Hardy (our very own live guy). Mandy echos her sentiment, she also loves it!

Todays Forecast in Melbourne (hopefully no earth quakes) 21 degrees and sunny (dare we say it picnic weather)

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