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Donna and her baby boy Patrick who was stillborn

Too Peas in a Podcast
Too Peas in a Podcast
Donna and her baby boy Patrick who was stillborn

Pea Friend Donna talks about her first baby Patrick who was stillborn on 29 October 2015 at 41 weeks.She talks about how she felt something was not right when she went into labour, the hospital experience, how to pick up life after and how she experienced her second and third pregnancies.Her second son was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis at 18 months and has a stutter, and she has a third child who is a 7 month old baby daughter.

  • Heartfelt photography; professional photographers who donate their time to take photos of stillborn, deceased or terminally ill children
  • Red nose grief counselling, includes information for parents on sage sleeping and stillbirth prevention
  • Still Aware raising awareness of the very real statistics of stillbirth in Australia working to end preventable stillbirth
  • Donna wrote an article for a Canberra site, soon after Patrick’s death. Donna says it came from a place of anger, as she was so hurt by all the friends and family who had simply pretended that they hadn’t had a son. The article is about how to relate to parents bereaved by stillbirth, you can read it here

Laugh / Cry / Make a difference

Read up about the amazing things the Victorian Australian of the Year recipient Donna Stolzenberg has achieved here

Read about the senior Australian of the Year nominee Lorna here



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