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Pea friend Nicole

Too Peas in a Podcast
Too Peas in a Podcast
Pea friend Nicole

Kate & Mandy are talking to pea friend Nicole, who has quite a story to tell. Her little boy was born a micro prem at 23 weeks and she talks with Kate & Mandy about living through the first days, weeks and months as a single mum, the endless therapies, school years and of course rectum comments. You’ll love her!

  • Cerebral Palsy Education Centre (CPEC)
  • Neurological and Physical Abilitation (NAPA) Centre
  • Cuevas Medek Exercises (CME)
  • Information on PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPT) (US website, google for local help)

  • Four corners about COVID in Italy (inside Italy’s COVID war); you can still watch this on ABC iView
  • For a good laugh follow Hamish Blake on Instagram (especially his cake making)



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